The NC NICA Podcast
The NC NICA Podcast
It's Showdown time!
Gear up for the latest NICA podcast episode! We're diving deep into event recaps, exciting previews of upcoming races (Season Showdown & Whitewater Windup), key end-of-season dates, and a glimpse into what's in store for 2024.
Tune in for the details on:
* **Event Recaps:** Danville Dash, Mayhem at Mayodan, TTC workdays, and the 5 String Stampede cancellation.
* **Season Showdown Preview:** Get the lowdown on the theme, course inspection, Strider Bike Rodeo, fundraising updates, Senior Night format changes, new features, and important dates.
* **Whitewater Windup Preview:** Discover the theme, dates, activities, and awards for this exciting event.
* **Upcoming:** Stay informed about the end-of-season survey, crucial dates, coach training, pre-season events, and NICA Eastern Regionals.
Don't miss this episode packed with the latest NICA news and updates!
#NICA #mountainbiking #youthcycling #SeasonShowdown #WhitewaterWindup #podcast