The NC NICA Podcast


Brian Russell and Shawn Moore Season 4 Episode 3

Introduction (Shawn)

Topic: GRiT Preseason Event Review (Brian)

28 Oct: Warrior Creek

4 Nov: Medoc Mountain

Talking points (more detail included in the event reports):

  • TTC Clinic
  • Ambassador projects (leadership)
  • Mentor Program

Topic: New Team Shout out (Shawn)

  1. Asheville School (OTBS101 clinic 4 Nov)
  2. Cabarrus County: Hope Academy and Concord High
  3. Durham County: Riverside High
  4. Wake County: Broughton Magnet

Topic: Season 8 Event Registration (Brian)

Athletes: 453 (340 HS, 113 MS)(129 new)


  1. Events registration opens 13 November (minus championship)
  2. A la carte ($35 each) and discount package ($140 = 4 of 6) options
  3. Caution: no refunds

Topic: Sponsor Announcement (Brian)

Fidlock is a returning sponsor

Support to our Adventure program: Adventure passport (logo with QR code on cover), they’ll be joining us at the Whitewater Center on 18 Nov)

Topic: Pre-season Date Reminders (Brian and Shawn)

  1. Regional Event 10-12 Nov in FairHill MD
    1. Racing registration closed but general admission remains open

20 NC athletes registered (16 race, 4 non-race)

  1. Adventure - open to returning student athletes. (mention form in coaches conversation about new athletes) Must attend with their team. Clarify does not count as a pre-season event and teams may attend both. Each event is capped at 200 participants.

- 18 November at Whitewater Center in Charlotte, NC

- 2 December at Browns Creek, Elizabethtown

Closing (All)

Dad joke