The NC NICA Podcast
The NC NICA Podcast
Reluctantly crouched at the starting line...
Introduction (Shawn)
Topic: League Summit Review (Brian and Shawn)
Give a review of the lessons and some feedback received from coaches
Sat: 2023 review, TTC, Friday Fails, EAP
Sun: 2024 preview, Adventure, Dynamic Agility, Team Culture
Clinics: OTBS101 refresh, 201, course evaluation
Give thanks to WWC for being a great host
Topic: Sponsor Announcement (Brian)
Constellation Cycling - James Lee (course setter) is a member.
CC is hosting their big event of the season (Lions Roar) on 22 October
Lion's Roar. NCCX, Race #3. Sunday, October 22, 2022 - Lions Park - 516 Dennis Ave. Raleigh, NC 27604
Topic: Season 8 Dates and Locations (Brian)
Posted on website and announced via Iterable and social media
- Walk through the events by date
- Two new venues
- One western venue - private!
- Qualifying championship (race committee to help determine criteria)
- Season finale = Adventure Festival
- Hybrid fee scheme - discount package
Topic: Sponsor Announcement (Brian)
CognativeMTB a returning sponsor
Support to our TTC program: big 3000 hour goal in 2024 and Trail Week 24’, March 18-24
TTC staff is coordinating events with SORBA chapters and various conservancy
groups across the state to help provide opportunities for teams during that week (goal
of 1,000 hours that week)
Topic: Pre-season Date Reminders (Brian and Shawn)
GRiT - open to all registered female student athletes and coaches
- 28 October at Keowee Park, Wilkesboro (Warrior Creek and Headwaters Hub trails)
- 4 November at Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, NC
Adventure - open to returning student athletes. (mention form in coaches conversation about new athletes) Must attend with their team. Head Coaches may choose one event for their team to attend. Each event is capped at 200 participants. If we have extra space at either event, we will open it to teams wishing to attend both, as space is available. Clarify does not count as a pre-season event
- 18 November at Whitewater Center in Charlotte, NC
- 2 December at Browns Creek, Elizabethtown
Regional Event 10-12 Nov in FairHill MD
Registration closes Tuesday 17 October extended to 1 Nov
Closing (All)
Dad joke