The NC NICA Podcast
The NC NICA Podcast
Misspent Summer
Introduction (Shawn)
Topic: Announcements (Shawn)
Coach training update
5-6 AugCoach Supporter Training
WFA/OTBS101 Session 1(Location:Asheville)
12-13 AugWFA/OTBS101 Session 2 (Location: Asheville)
26-27 AugWFA/OTBS101 Session 3 (Location: Raleigh)
16-17 SepWFA/OTBS101 Session 4 (Location: Raleigh)
30 Sep to 1 OctWFA/OTBS101 Session 5 (Location: Fayetteville)
7-8 OctLeague Summit (TBD)
Topic: League Director Conference (Brian)
-Great support from Trek
-NC Brief: Reward and Recognize
-Good idea hub
-Utah: How to be a big league (coaches!)
-NV North: How to have fun on weekends (event themes, line choices on courses, announcer interviews, night ride)
-AR: How to pack it all in (compressed schedule, mid-day awards, rotate HS/MS AM/PM, stage all awards ahead of time)
-NJ: 100% call up program (lap time average vs points)
-PA: How to maxmize TTC (partner with state OREC)
Topic: Survey Review ( Brian)
- Economic Impact Survey
-$180k over the season
-$45-50k for each venue
-thanks to Industry Nine: the most input into any survey in NICA. (Winner:Yates Pharr, Henderson Hellbenders)
- End of Season Survey
-90% returning coaches, SAs, parents
-strongly agree or agree physical and mental health improved
-agree coaches building good teams and good at skills incorporation
-participation costs about right (70% want season + race fee)
NC answers
- What brings you to the league and what would you like to see more of (97 responses):
- More opportunities for non-racing SAs
- More interaction between teams and SAs from other teams
- Closer venues
- What kept you from racing? More than 20% I’d rather just ride and not interested in racing
- What kind of Adventure events would you like:
- Emphasize connecting with other athletes and teams
- Just ride! As a group, in a new place
- Scavenger hunts (on trails)
- Skills: maintenance, ride planning, navigation
- Trail maintenance
- -63% would still participate in a one-day adventure event if a race was canceled
- 75% interested in a league sponsored camp over the summer
- 50% overnight, 27% day camp
- Type: skills (need to consider levels); adventure riding
- 60% prefer to stay a spring league
2024 Season Preview
15 SepTeam and Coach Registration opens
1 OctSA Registration opens
Closing (All)
Dad joke